The Built Wild Academy | Customized Functional Nutrition Coach
The Built Wild Academy | Customized Functional Nutrition Coach



There are an abundance of innate instincts in humankind.

Ways of being & functioning that are built into our DNA. There is a drive within us to survive no matter what we encounter.

As such, we are primed to adjust and adapt to what our needs are through various seasons, events, birth, death and everything in between.

This driving force connects us to the earth, the sky, the water, and The Everything from which these elements came. We are now the modern human who encounters a constantly changing environment; an onslaught of information, technology, toxic load, and stress. Therefore, we rise to the occasion.

This requires resilience. That resilience lies within the wild nature from which we came.

with this knowledge & mindset, our functional lab work services provide a deep dive into your unique biology.

  • Hormone health is complex and requires a test that has several points of data. The DUTCH Test is the gold standard for looking at the complete system of sex and adrenal hormones. It provides an analysis of 35 different hormones: estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA-S, and cortisol along with their metabolites, plus the cortisol awakening response (CAR).

    This 6 point saliva and urine collection test will provide information around:

    Sex hormones, libido and menstrual cycle health.

    Stress-chronic or acute.

    Sleep health, energy, and vitality.

  • Gut health is the foundation of many functions in the body, including immunity, detoxification, nutrient absorption and assimilation. Research continues to unfold around the connection of gut health to emotional and mental wellbeing. Impaired gut health has been connected to autoimmune issues, nutrient depletion, and can be a source of toxic and parasitic overload. Sound, robust, and thriving GI health is critically important to overall health. Gut health offerings include:

    GI Map: Stool test that provides information around microbiome, fungal and problematic bacteria overgrowth, digestion, inflammation, and parasites.

    MRT (Mediator Release Test): Blood test that provides information around foods that are highly inflammatory to you, specifically. 176 foods, substances and chemicals are tested with this kit.

    Mosaic Organic Acids Test: Urine test that provides information about many metabolic pathways that provide insight into important areas related to gut health, mitochondrial dysfunction, neurotransmitter status, indicators of detoxification and macronutrient breakdown and nutritional status.

  • A thorough blood panel with 27 lab markers. Regular blood work can provide you with baseline information around your general health. This very affordable and comprehensive test is useful for finding key elements in the body that need support and attention.

    Marker included are will provide support around:

    -Blood Sugar Regulation

    - Lipids and Cardiovascular Health

    -Liver and Kidney Function

    -Thyroid Function

    -Nutrient and Hydration Homeostasis

    - Vitamin D

    -Testosterone Free and Direct



  • The OAT, DUTCH, GI Map and MRT are kits that you do from your home. They are drop shipped to you and you send them in!

  • No, I do not provide meal plans. I will provide macro guidance on a case by case basis when it’s most beneficial to the client. Overall, my goal is for my clients to develop habits around meal planning, prepping, and cooking on their own.

  • Yes!

  • In most cases 6-9 months.