A Guide to Fat Consumption

Not long ago low fat diets were all the rage. Even now, very popular macro style dieting tends towards lower fat. Generally, there are still residual effects of an entire generation bought into a low fat diet. As the tides have turned, and fat has been more accepted in mainstream society, questions have surfaced around what are good fats and bad fats.

We can think of fat in three categories:

1. Saturated-contains most amount of water possible, and is usually hard at room temperature (butter, lard, coconut oil).

2. Monounsaturated-lack two hydrogen atoms, therefore less stable, and more likely to go rancid under high temperatures (olive oil, nuts, avocado).

3. Polyunsaturated-two or more pairs of hydrogen atoms, remain liquid even when refrigerated (usually commercial vegetable oils). We need all three types, but the polyunsaturated fats tend to come from rancid oils in the modern diet, such as canola or vegetable oil. These oils are highly processed and are characterized by free radicals. Good polyunsaturated fats will come in small amounts in things like legumes, nuts, green veggies, fish, olive oil, and animal fats.

Omega-3 vs. Omega-6

These fats are essential, meaning we need consume them, as our body doesn't produce them. An imbalance, where there is too much Omega-6, can lead to a tendency to form blood clots, inflammation (precursor to all disease in the body), high blood pressure, irritation of the digestive tract, depressed immune function, sterility, cell proliferation, cancer and weight gain. Foods with a better ratio of Omega 3s will be animal meat that is pasture raised, wild caught cold water fish, and saturated fats such as butter, tallow, and ghee.

Why is Fat Good For You?

  • Saturated fatty acids comprise 50% of cell membranes, making them firm and allowing them to function properly.

  • Protects the liver from alcohol and other toxins.

  • Supports immune system.

  • Saturated fat is the preferred fat of the heart, it is surrounded by saturated fat and draws from this reserve in times of stress.

  • Antimicrobial properties that protect the digestive tract.

  • Balances and supports reproductive organs and endocrine system.

    One Harvard study found that women who ate more monounsaturated fat, in the form of avocados, were more than 3 times likely to get pregnant after IVF treatment.

What about Cholesterol?
Cholesterol, when high quality, is actually really good for you:

  • Necessary for cell integrity Precursor to Vitamin D.

  • Acts as an antioxidant.

  • Supports health of the intestinal wall.

  • Supports sex hormones and prostaglandins.

  • Supports health of brain, nervous system, blood, and skin.

Cholesterol goes bad when it’s been damaged or oxidized. Think fried foods, food that has been overcooked in bad oils, processed food such as powdered eggs and milks, and trans fats. This is when it wreaks havoc on your arteries and heart.

Speaking of Trans Fats… STAY AWAY FROM TRANS FATS Trans fats occur in foods that have been hydrogenated. (Usually margarine, peanut butter, and found in many processed/long shelf life food). Food makers like this process because it turns fats that normally become liquid at room temperature, into solid form. It also increases shelf life by forever. The process: Take rancid oil and mix with nickel oxide and hydrogen gas. Add soapy emulsifiers and starch for better consistency Steam clean it. (Because it now smells bad.) Add color so it’s not ugly.

With hydrogenation, one hydrogen atom of the pair is moved to the other side so that the molecule straightens. This is called the trans formation, rarely found in nature. Most of these man-made trans fats are toxins to the body, but unfortunately your digestive system does not recognize them as such. Instead of eliminating them, your body incorporates trans fats into the cell membranes as though they were cis fats. Your cells actually become partially hydrogenated!
— Fallon, S. Nourishing Traditions. New Trends Publishing Inc: 2001

I could say so much more about fat! But here are the takeaways:

  • When eating fat from animals, make sure the animals were pasture raised so that you are eating a healthy amount of Omega 3s.

  • Cook with quality saturated fat such as ghee, grass fed butter, tallow and coconut oil.

  • Make sure your monos and polys are not rancid. Stick with organic, expeller pressed olive oil, avocado oil, and pumpkin seed oil.

  • Never eat trans fats.

  • Eat the yolks.

  • Eat wild caught cold-water fish.

  • Avoid low fat or reduced fat foods.

  • Remember that fat supports nerves, cells, hormones, brain, skin, and cardiovascular health!


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